Ghost Ship master tenant Derick Ion Alemena described as former Mendo grower


4 thoughts on “Ghost Ship master tenant Derick Ion Alemena described as former Mendo grower

  1. What’s up with this article? I was really enjoying your publication until now. I hope you don’t turn into a Lost Coast Outpost style of drama-filled headlines and empty articles. What is the point? Who cares what his connections to Mendocino are? I do not know this guy at all, but it seems really premature to convict him publicly before he has even been accused, no? Does he seem like an arrogant guy? Yes. Careless? Yes. But this article is just so wrong. You’ve summarized a bunch of rag articles and started a whole drama thread of gossip and hearsay which is totally unrelated to what happened. Why not do a nice piece honoring those who perished? The young artists and musicians? Throw up some links for the families who are suffering so much? Not sticking up for the guy, just really bummed to see this headline and ridiculous article. I don’t want to see 4 different photos of this guys face in my newsfeed. Yuk. Good luck, Mendocino Voice.

  2. Derick Almena of Willits has over $2,500 sitting with the state’s unclaimed property division. If you know him, let him know. It was from PG&E.

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