The Mendocino Voice

creating locally-owned, independent, online news for all of Mend

  • 39 members
  • 4 posts
  • $182.8/month

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Abalone Members
 / month
Our most basic membership, show us some love for 3 bucks a month. That's less than fancy coffee, for quality local news.
Most popular
Salmon Member
 / month
Swim like a salmon up the river of news! Also, we're working on getting a podcast up and running, and we'll give you members exclusive access to interviews of interesting local people and bigwigs.
Redwood Member
 / month

Stand up tall for quality local news! If you subscribe at this rate you can meet with our editor or publisher to talk about what you'd like to see from the news.

Grey whale Member
 / month

Glide through the waves and surf of news! People who subscribe at this rate can meet with our editorial staff monthly to chat about the news and what they'd like to see.

Elk Membership
 / month
To these super-patrons we offer a very heartfelt thank you. You're what keep us going.
California Poppy Membership
 / month
If any one ever decides to actually support us at $100 a month we'll invite you over for cake — pandemics permiting.

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The Mendocino Voice

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