Massive power outage hits Mendo, Lake counties — power restored to Ukiah, Willits, parts of the coast (updated 3:15a.m.)


4 thoughts on “Massive power outage hits Mendo, Lake counties — power restored to Ukiah, Willits, parts of the coast (updated 3:15a.m.)

  1. Thank you for all the wonderful sites for info during this very scary time you have helped ease the stress of trying to figure out when and what to do praise God for all of you who work so hard for our communities. Nixle text number is 888777 just text your ZIP code and you will get the alerts thank you again to you all as well as the fire fighters medics and police as well as the prisoners working to help

  2. I do find it interesting that, just last week, we received a mailer from PG&E about the possibility of proactive power-downs in case of wildfire. The timing is just curious.

  3. Thank you for this information! I contacted City of Ukiah power outage information, 463-6288, and learned that the power would be restored about 2:00 AM. Without a smart phone I have to rely on electricity to power my internet. Radio stations have no information, so I’m in the dark. Not really; I have numerous led lanterns for power outages!

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